2 Euro Coin: The country specific side
depicts a potrait drawn by Raphael Dante Alighieri,
housed in the Pope Julius II Wing og the Vatican
Palace. |
1 Euro Coin: This coin shows the famous
drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, displayed in the gallery
of the Academy in Venice, illustrating the ideal
proportions of the human body. |
50 cent Euro coin: This depicts the
statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius on
horseback. |
20 cent coin: This coin portrays a
sculpture by Umberto Boccio, leader of the Italian
futurist school. |
10 cent coin: This coin commemorates
one of the greatest triumph of Italian art. It shows one
of the most famous worrier of the world, the "Birth of
Venus" by Sandro Bottico. |
5 cent coin: This shows the Flavius
amphitheatre, which Empror Vespasian began building
around 75 AD and Emperor Titus inaugurated in 80
AD. |
2 cent coin: This coin
shows the Mole Antonelliana, a tower designed in 1863 by
Alessandro Antonelli. |
1 cent coin: The Castel del Monte
appears on this coin. |